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The recognition of traumatic experiences across all aspects of human life has spurred the development of research on the impacts of trauma in various segments of society. The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACES) first documented the correlation between childhood trauma exposure and physical and mental health disorders in adulthood. Further studies provided additional evidence of the long lasting impacts of trauma and led to practices to decrease re-traumatizing policies and practices. Trauma informed care (TIC) offers concepts and approaches for successful engagement and effective treatment for trauma survivors. This paper presents six basic principles of TIC and the methods for their application. This study also presents the results of research on the importance of understanding an individual’s conceptualization of the trauma event. It has been suggested that the individual’s unique perceptions of the trauma experience should influence the selection of an appropriate therapeutic approach.


ACE, adverse childhood experiences, addictions, moral injury, post traumatic stress disorder, supervision

Publication Title

Lekarz Wojskowy (Military Physician)





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