Author ORCID Identifier

Jeremy Bendik-Keymer

Document Type


Publication Date



The Earth System Governance Project is the largest scholarly body in the world devoted to articulating governance of the Earth’s systems. It recently published a “Harvesting Initiative” looking back on the first iteration of its Scientific Plan. This paper contributes to the decolonial and constructive critique of the theory of agency in that Initiative and argues that it displays “fragmentary coloniality” especially around problematic authority relations in governance. By turning to work on “worlding,” the paper argues for radicalizing questions of authority, leading us to focus not on agency but on moral relationships—work for a sequel to this paper.


earth system governance, agency, authority, coloniality, worlding, love

Publication Title

Environmental Philosophy


© Environmental Philosophy


This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published in Environmental Philosophy. The final publisher version is available at: 10.5840/envirophil2021817109

Included in

Philosophy Commons



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