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Publication Date
Summer 8-6-2024
Data produced at the 1-ID beamline APS are often serialized in large, disconnected tables, which can impede the effective reuse and replication of analysis performed for cutting edge research and instrumentation conducted at the facility. This poster describes an alternative approach of utilizing component-based FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) ontologies as a framework for organizing and connecting experimental variables. Three packages were developed to facilitate the creation and connection of component ontologies into a fully connected FAIR ontology for an experiment. An ontology-based workflow is also discussed for beamline scientists and users to visualize and connect collected values alongside variable associations. A FAIR ontology builds the capability for automated analysis, enhances data stewardship practices, and enables data interoperability between different beamline facilities inside the APS and across beamline laboratories in the United States.
FAIR Data, Materials Data Science, Synchrotron Science, APS, Argonne National Laboratory, Beamline, X-ray diffraction
Publication Title
Data Science in Engineering and Life Sciences Symposium
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Materials Science & Engineering
Recommended Citation
Ponón, Gabriel; Rajamohan, Balashanmuga Priyan; Mehdi, Mohommad Redad; Holt, Finley; Barcelos, Erika; Tripathi, Pawan; and French, Roger H., "A FAIR Ontology for APS Beamline Experiments" (2024). Student Scholarship. 41.