Author ORCID Identifier

Roger H. French

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A complete form of the van der Waals dispersion interaction between an infinitely long anisotropic semiconducting/insulating thin cylinder and an anisotropic half space is derived for all separations between the cylinder and the half space. The derivation proceeds from the theory of dispersion interactions between two anisotropic infinite half spaces as formulated in Phys. Rev. A 71, 042102 (2005). The approach is valid in the retarded as well as nonretarded regimes of the interaction and is coupled with the recently evaluated ab initio dielectric response functions of various semiconducting/insulating single wall carbon nanotubes, enables the authors to evaluate the strength of the van der Waals dispersion interaction for all orientation angles and separations between a thin cylindrical nanotube and the half space. The possibility of repulsive and/or nonmonotonic dispersion interactions is examined in detail.


dielectric response functions, free energy, dielectric materials, dielectric properties, graphene, polymers, carbon based materials, spectral phenomena and properties, nanotubes, chirality

Publication Title

Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B


© 2010 American Vacuum Society. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in A. Šiber, R. F. Rajter, R. H. French, W. Y. Ching, V. A. Parsegian, R. Podgornik; Optically anisotropic infinite cylinder above an optically anisotropic half space: Dispersion interaction of a single-walled carbon nanotube with a substrate. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 1 May 2010; 28 (3): C4A17–C4A24. and may be found at

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Physics Commons



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