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Book Chapter
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This chapter reviews the origins of construction grammar, beginning with classical antiquity; analyzes the nature of figure in thought and multimodal communication; and provides an anchor for studies of figure in the basic mental operation of conceptual blending.
Construction Grammar, Classical Rhetoric, Conceptual Integration, Blending
Publication Title
Figurative Thought and Language
© 1998 by Oxford University Press, Inc. This material was originally published in Figurative Language and Thought by Albert N. Katz, Cristina Cacciari, Raymond W. Gibbs, Jr., and Mark Turner For permission to reuse this material, please visit
Recommended Citation
Turner, M. (1998). Figure. In Figurative Language and Thought. By Cristina Cacciari, Ray Gibbs, Jr., Albert Katz, and Mark Turner (pp.44-195). Oxford University Press. [A volume in the series Counterpoints: Cognition, Memory, and Language.]