Author ORCID Identifier

Scott Pelok

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As the baby boomer cohort ages, they have an ever‐increasing number of comorbidities and associated poly‐pharmaceutical treatment needs. The challenge for healthcare providers is to stay current of advancements in providing for this aging population. Baby boomers can expect a longer life expectancy than any previous generation. Yet, longevity has not correlated with better health. This cohort is noted for being goal driven and more self‐assured than younger generations. They are resourceful and will often attempt to fix things themselves, including their healthcare. They believe hard work deserves justifiable rewards and relaxation. These beliefs have resulted in baby boomers utilizing more alcohol and illicit drugs. Altogether this means today's healthcare providers must be aware of potential interactions from the polypharmacy of prescribed medication, and they must include and understand additional complications associated with supplemental medications and illegal drugs.


geism, geriatric dentistry, pharmacology

Publication Title

Special Care in Dentistry


© 2023 The Authors. Special Care in Dentistry published by Special Care Dentistry Association and Wiley Periodicals LLC.

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
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