Author ORCID Identifier

Jeffrey R. Capadona

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Intracortical microelectrode arrays are used for recording neural signals at single-unit resolution and are promising tools for studying brain function and developing neuroprosthetics. Research is being done to increase the chronic performance and reliability of these probes, which tend to decrease or fail within several months of implantation. Although recording paradigms vary, studies focused on assessing the reliability and performance of these devices often perform recordings under anesthesia. However, anesthetics—such as isoflurane—are known to alter neural activity and electrophysiologic function. Therefore, we compared the neural recording performance under anesthesia (2% isoflurane) followed by awake conditions for probes implanted in the motor cortex of both male and female Sprague-Dawley rats. While the single-unit spike rate was significantly higher by almost 600% under awake compared to anesthetized conditions, we found no difference in the active electrode yield between the two conditions two weeks after surgery. Additionally, the signal-to-noise ratio was greater under anesthesia due to the noise levels being nearly 50% greater in awake recordings, even though there was a 14% increase in the peak-to-peak voltage of distinguished single units when awake. We observe that these findings are similar for chronic time points as well. Our observations indicate that either anesthetized or awake recordings are acceptable for studies assessing the chronic reliability and performance of intracortical microelectrode arrays.


anesthesia, bursts, cortex, microelectrode arrays, single-unit activity

Publication Title



© 2022 by the authors.

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