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Inclusive charged-pion spectra from p¯d annihilations at rest have been measured in a high-statistics experiment in search of broad states. Analysis of these spectra reveals an enhancement of the π- spectrum at 315 MeV/c. This may be interpreted as a production of a new state of mass 1485 MeV/c2 and width at most 200 MeV/c2 recoiling against the π-. This quasi two-body final state accounts for a large fraction of the p¯n annihilations.
Publication Title
Physical Review Letters
©1986 The American Physical Society
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D. Bridges, H. Brown, I. Daftari, R. Debbe, A. deGuzman, W. Fickinger, L. Gray, T. Kalogeropoulos, R. Marino, D. Peaslee, Ch. Petridou, D. K. Robinson, G. Tzanakos, and R. Venugopal. Evidence for a new state produced in antiproton annihilations at rest in liquid deuterium. Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 211, 20 January 1986