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Measurements of reflectivity versus ac electric field E were performed in the nematic phase of octylcyanobiphenyl homeotropically aligned between two indium tin oxide coated glass slides. The change in reflectivity R was found to be linear in E, with d(R)/dE increasing monotonically toward the nematic-isotropic transition temperature. In addition, the phase of R at the front and back surfaces differed by. Such an effect will arise from t/Iorder electricity, whereby a term proportional to the product of the electric field and the gradient of the nematic order parameter appears in the bulk free energy. This term integrates to yield a pair of surface terms such that there is a y/Ilinear change in the order parameter close to the interface. Similar terms will also arise from ferroelectric interactions at the surface.

Publication Title

Physical Review A


© 1992 The American Physical Society.

Included in

Physics Commons



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