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A theory of nematic ordering and microphase segregation in an incompressible melt of AB diblock copolymers is developed for the case when the A block is a polymer composed of NA monomers and the B block is a main-chain liquid crystal polymer composed of NB freely jointed nematogens. Isotropic monomer-nematogen interactions are characterized by a Flory parameter , and anisotropic nematogen-nematogen interactions are characterized by a Maier-Saupe parameter J. Long chains (NA,NB1) in the strong segregation limit (N1, with N=NA+NB) are considered. An approximate free energy of the melt is given for the following segregation morphologies: homogeneous, lamellar, cylindrical micelles, and spherical micelles. The free energy is minimized to determine the equilibrium morphology, lattice constant, and degree of nematic order as a function of N, J, and NA/N. Both morphological and isotropic-nematic transitions occur, and the ordinary diblock copolymer phase diagram is significantly altered.

Publication Title

Physical Review E


© 1994 The American Physical Society.

Included in

Physics Commons



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