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Gamification is the application of game elements such as badges, points, leaderboards, to a nongame area of activity. The corporate setting has burgeoned in incorporating gamification into areas such as recruitment, training, and marketing with established corporations reported to have success in gamifying their business. However, the current literature report mixed results on whether gamified training could lead to an improvement in performance. This article attempts to summarize the current state of gamified training and its effectiveness by conducting a meta-analysis on the subject. Although an effect size was calculated, the result was unreliable due to a lack of papers meeting our criteria of inclusion for the meta-analysis. This implied a lack of rigorous empirical research methodology on this topic. As gamification becomes more prevalent in training settings, this paper hopes to provide recommendations for future researches in examining the effectiveness of this novel training model.

Symposium Date

Fall 12-1-2012


employee training, gamification, meta-analysis



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Does Gamified Training Increase Job Performance? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

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Psychology Commons
