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This study explores data interaction as an antecedent for decision-making quality in visual analytic (VA) environments. Literature contends that the presence of accurate, high quality data and good system tools will have a positive impact at the individual and organizational decision-making. But in visual analytic environments, the decision maker's ability and intent to interact with data may be more valuable than the quality of data or tools used. Decision makers in this context are not just acting upon the findings of analysts and interpreting static representations of data. To understand this new phenomenon, we conduct an online survey among nearly 100 senior decision makers working in visual analytic environments. We explored the mediating effect of data interaction on the relationship between individual and organizational decision making given the level of data quality and the use of interactive tools using partial least squares method. Our findings demonstrate the critical role of data interactions in mitigating lesser quality data thereby improving decision quality. In fact, post hoc analysis shows that interacting with data helps discover the latent quality of data.


decision making, visualization analytics, information visualization, Weatherhead School of Management, data interaction, information visualization, visual analytics, decision making


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