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Publication Date

Summer 8-6-2024


FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles are guidelines Wilkinson, et. al. (2016) proposed for data governance and stewardship. Ontology is a powerful tool that can achieve many aspects of all four FAIR principles. Unfortunately, there is a misconception about ontology that it is only useful for establishing FAIR data. We need to think beyond data to answer the question “So what?” after an ontology is developed. It is critical to apply FAIR principles to results, analysis, and models, which is where the concept of digital thread comes in. FAIRified results, analysis, and models can be stored in a knowledge base and represented in a knowledge graph (KG), a flexible and extensible representation of knowledge, capable of inductive and deductive reasoning via the inherent structure that allows semantic reasoning, as well as the semantics applied by an ontology as the underlying schema layer. This versatile data structure can also be combined with principles of information theory that can refine the patterns and relationships by minimizing the uncertainties and randomness of the data. In essence, we supply a KG with a knowledge base and a semantic reasoning engine to infer new patterns and relationships as new knowledge, which can be imported back into the knowledge base.


information theory, knowledge graph, knowledge base, ontology, FAIR, semantic reasoning

Publication Title

Data Science in Engineering and Life Sciences Symposium


© The Author(s)

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