Content Posted in 2025
Accountability and Accreditation in the Nonprofit Sector: Examining the Louisiana Standards for Excellence Model, Lise Anne D. Slatten
Accounting for Differences in Factory Performance When Adopting Flow Based Production Techniques: A General Purpose Conceptualization, Michael R. Lopez
Achieving Potential in Hospital Mergers, Sister Nancy Linenkugel
A Comparison of the Network Strategies of Successful Entrepreneurial and Professional Women, Barbara Mistick and Karie Willyerd
A Complexity Science Perspective on High Performance M&A Management Teams, Byron C. Clayton
A Conceptual Study of Employee Self-Limiting Behaviors in Non-Dominant Culture Organizations, Monika L. Hudson
Adaptational Proximity and the Innovation Process: An End-User Focus, Robert M. Krug
Adolescent Leadership Development: Redirecting Self Assessment to Enhance Leadership Development in Youth Organizations, Franklin T. Kudo
Adversary To Ally: A Relational Approach To Shifting Buyer Paradigms, Donald P. Addison II
A FAIR Ontology for APS Beamline Experiments, Gabriel Ponón, Balashanmuga Priyan Rajamohan, Mohommad Redad Mehdi, Finley Holt, Erika Barcelos, Pawan Tripathi, and Roger H. French
A Formal Grounded Theory on the Ethics of Transfer in Conflict Resolution, Maurice Apprey
A Framework for Maximizing Board Member Outcomes in Organizations of Higher Education, Susan D. Williams
A Journey with the End in Mind: An Examination of How Advance Planning May Influence End-of-Life Decisions, Elizabeth Lada Morse
America in the 21st Century: Finding Harmony Between Economic and Social Goals, Janet Joyce Bennett
A Modern Mohel's Mitzvot, Zachary Rubin
An Application and Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model to Nonprofit Certification, Lise Anne Slatten
An Assessment of Requirements in Investments, New Technologies, and Infrastructures to Achieve the SDGs, Peter Yang
An Examination of Self Identity and Learning Styles: A Qualitative Study Within the Home Health Care Setting, Margo Kraft
An Institutional Theory Perspective: Corporate Responses to Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, Richard R. Clune
An Investigation of the Direct and Ripple Effect of an Environmental Jolt on the Airline Industry, Leonard Lane
An Uncertain Future: Economic and Behavioral Influences that Motivate Small Business Owners in the Decision to Adopt an Employee Retirement Plan, Jill B. McCullough
A Paradigm For Surviving Severe Macro Economic Disruption: The Promethean Life Engagement Practices Framework, Larry G. Straub
Appreciative Inquiry-Based Intervention: A Network View of Organizational Renewal, Thomas H. Carlson
A Priest in Transition, Terry Brizz
A Qualitative Examination of the Antecedents and Consequences of Accreditation of Nonprofit Organizations, Lise Anne D. Slatten
A Qualitative Study of Employee Self-Limiting Behaviors in Non-Dominant Culture Organizations, Monika L. Hudson
A Reflection of Trust: Analyzing the Role of Customers and Sales Manager on Salesperson Trust-Building Behaviors, Daniel Cohen
Are We Having Fun Yet? What is the Relationship Between Fun at Work, Manager Job Satisfaction, and Employee Job Satisfaction?, Anthony Scardillo
Asian Drama: Discovering and Unleashing the Mobile Services, Amit K. Maitra
A Smile and a Handshake are Not Enough: Moving Toward the Need, Patricia J. Mintz
Assessing the Role of Values in Developing Service Competence and the Relationship Between Competence and Job Performance, Bernard J. Brunsman
Association in Associations: Network Dynamics in Dermatology Research, Rebecca M. Minnillo
A Study of Strategy Formulation & Reformulation at AT&T, Bashar Nejdawi
A Study of the Impact of Informational Complexity, Transparency and Stewardship on Decision Usefulness: The Users' Perspective, Chester H. Brearey
A Study of the Impact of Ohio's Instructional Support Funding Process on Institutional Behavior at Two-Year Colleges, Morries W. Beverage Jr.
A Tale of Two Colleges: The Fiscal Crisis of the 1990's Strategies For Managing In Uncertainty, Penelope Wheeler Stohn Brouwer
A Tale of Two Communities: The Journey to Subjective Well-Being Via a Sense of Community, Noble C. Philip
Authentic Leadership: Do Leader's Values Impact Their Authenticity in the Eyes of Their Followers? A Quantitative Study, Barbara Clemenson
Awareness of Advance Planning for End of Life: A Qualitative Study of 'Baby Boomers', Elizabeth Lada Morse
Back to the Future: A Search for Economic Progress or Roots? A Comparison of Experiences Between African American Entrepreneurs in South Africa and in the United States, Melinda Dowell Harris
Balancing the Dynamic Tension Between Traditional Nonprofit Management and Social Entrepreneurship, Michael G. Stull
Barriers and Enablers of a Successful Transition to Nurse Manager, Pamela C. Hudson
Barriers to Growth: How High Performing African-American Owned Businesses Overcome Them, Natasha Conley
Betting on Catastrophe: The Private Sector and Anti-Terrorism Spending For Physical Security, James K. Hayes
Between Labor and Art: Service Industry Craftsmanship Defined, Bernard John Brunsman
Beyond Financial Structures and Operational Standards: Measuring Negotiated Accountability, Michael N. Wolfe
Big Issues Resulting in Bold Decisions: How Boards of High-Performing Professional Societies Engage, Mark T. Engle
Big Issues Resulting in Bold Decisions: How Boards of High-Performing Professional Societies Engage, Mark T. Engle
Board/CEO Engagement: Bridging the Governance Gap, Brian L. Newton
Board/CEO Engagement: Bridging the Governance Gap, Brian L. Newton
Board Level Strategic Decision-Making: Process Characteristics and Context, Bernard C. Bailey
Board Level Strategic Decision-Making: Process Characteristics and Context, Bernard C. Bailey
Board Member Behavioral and Cognitive Biases: The Impact on Board Level Strategic Decision-Making Processes, Bernard C. Bailey
Board Member Behavioral and Cognitive Biases: The Impact on Board Level Strategic Decision-Making Processes, Bernard C. Bailey
Boardroom Climate: Understanding How It Impacts Board Level Strategic Decision Making, Bernard C. Bailey
Boardroom Climate: Understanding How It Impacts Board Level Strategic Decision Making, Bernard C. Bailey
Boundary Crossings: Professional and Situational Influences on Nonprofit Leaders and Their Organizations, Antoinette E. La Belle
Boundary Crossings: Professional and Situational Influences on Nonprofit Leaders and Their Organizations, Antoinette E. La Belle
Breaking Barriers: Saudi Women in Non Traditional Careers, Suad Dukhaykh
Breaking Barriers: Saudi Women in Non Traditional Careers, Suad Dukhaykh
Breaking Free: A Qualitative Analysis Of Entrenchment And Disruptive Strategies Of Corporate Leaders, Sherry Sanger
Breaking Free: A Qualitative Analysis Of Entrenchment And Disruptive Strategies Of Corporate Leaders, Sherry Sanger
Breakthroughs: Examining the Conditions in Which Highly Regulated Government Funded Programs Generate Innovative Practices, Marilyn Ayenew Hosea
Breakthroughs: Examining the Conditions in Which Highly Regulated Government Funded Programs Generate Innovative Practices, Marilyn Ayenew Hosea
Bridging Executive Succession Gaps: Organizational Factors that Most Accelerate Executive Readiness, Carolynn Cameron
Bridging Executive Succession Gaps: Organizational Factors that Most Accelerate Executive Readiness, Carolynn Cameron
Bridging the Governance/Management Gap: A Study of Effectiveness in Cooperative Organizations, Brian L. Newton
Bridging the Governance/Management Gap: A Study of Effectiveness in Cooperative Organizations, Brian L. Newton
Bridging the Great Divide - Moving from Outsider to Insider: How For Profit Executives Become Effective Nonprofit CEOs, Antoinette E. La Belle
Bridging the Great Divide - Moving from Outsider to Insider: How For Profit Executives Become Effective Nonprofit CEOs, Antoinette E. La Belle
Building Blocks for More Responsible Nonprofit Boards of Trustees in Higher Education, Susan Williams
Building Blocks for More Responsible Nonprofit Boards of Trustees in Higher Education, Susan Williams
Building Globally Accepted Local Brands and Locally Authentic Global Brands, Ellen Schmidt-Devlin
Building Globally Accepted Local Brands and Locally Authentic Global Brands, Ellen Schmidt-Devlin
Business is War: An Investigation into Metaphor Use in Internet and Non-Internet IPOs, Michael W. Grieves
Business is War: An Investigation into Metaphor Use in Internet and Non-Internet IPOs, Michael W. Grieves
Capacity Building: An Appreciative Approach, Jacqueline M. Stavros
Capacity Building: An Appreciative Approach, Jacqueline M. Stavros
Career Success of Underrepresented Minority Groups, LaVonne D. Slaton
Career Success of Underrepresented Minority Groups, LaVonne D. Slaton
Career System Practices: A Pallative or Strategic Approach to Managerial Internal Labor Market Choices?, Schalon Harrison Newton
Career System Practices: A Pallative or Strategic Approach to Managerial Internal Labor Market Choices?, Schalon Harrison Newton
Causal Ambiguity and Its Impacts on Firm Performance, Richard I. Araya
Causal Ambiguity and Its Impacts on Firm Performance, Richard I. Araya
CBT-Informed Interventions for Essential Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Kathy Benhamou and Alexandra Piedra
"Chambeando": Risk and Success Among Street Corner Vendors in Mexico City, Efrain Rivera
"Chambeando": Risk and Success Among Street Corner Vendors in Mexico City, Efrain Rivera
Championing "Tough Issues": How Women and Men Corporate Directors Contribute Differently to Board Deliberations, Nancy E. McInerney-Lacombe
Championing "Tough Issues": How Women and Men Corporate Directors Contribute Differently to Board Deliberations, Nancy E. McInerney-Lacombe
Change and Discomfort in Academia: How Far Should We Stretch In Our Readiness For Change?, Laurie A. Branch
Change and Discomfort in Academia: How Far Should We Stretch In Our Readiness For Change?, Laurie A. Branch
Community Coalitions: Understanding Volunteer Dynamics in a Complex System, Carmen Simmons
Complex Unfamiliar Entries in the Airport Context, Bill Brunger
Computer Assisted Surgery: A Study In Technology Discontinuance, Jonathan B. Brewster
Concept Paper: The Impact of the Internet on Airline Pricing, William G. Brunger
Consciousness of Connectedness, Greater Purpose and Positive Business, Social and Environmental Outcomes, Joseph Leah
Constructing a Definition Of and Portfolio Model Of Family Business Success, John E. Neff
Conversational Learning and Performance: Interpreting Great Strategic Conversations, Ann Kowal Smith
Cooperation and Defection in the Commons Certified Local Governments and Historic Preservation Commissions, Brian W. Kenny
Corporate Governance in the Era of Sarbanes-Oxley, Larry W. Ettner
Corporate Governance in the Era of Sarbanes-Oxley: Governance Types and Trust Dynamics, Larry W. Ettner
Corporate Governance in the Era of Sarbanes-Oxley: Regulation, Governance, and Performance, Larry W. Ettner
Creating Customer Love: How Organizations Can Engender Positive Affect, in Online Product-Centered Communities, William J. Paolillo
Creating Sustained Collaborations: Do Rule-Breaking, Rule-Making, and Appreciative Behaviors Foster Member Ownership?, Nonie Brennan
Cross-Ideology Management in Transition Economies: The Effect of Incentives and Leadership Attributes on Management Practice in Vietnam, Christian Kamm
Cultivating Relationships from a Common Cor*: What Teachers Do to Relate to Othered Students, Lucia Desantis-Heddleson
Culture: For Small to Medium Sized Enterprises it Enhances Entrprenurial Orientation, Donald G. Chambers
Decision Making in Complex Environments: The Role of the Pathfinder Leader, Bruce C. Gockerman
Decision Styles of Corporate Leaders: Do Differences Make a Difference, Sherry Sanger
Deconstructing Discovery: Diversity and Knowledge Sharing in Research Teams, Rebecca Minnillo
Deconstructing The Pervasive Adequate Disclosure Debate, Gary A. Walker
Deploying Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence in Sustainable Development Research, Peter Yang
Design For Social Change: Consequential Shifts in the Designer's Role, Mariana V. Amatullo
Developing Expanded Conceptions of Governance In Community Foundations, Michael Wolfe
Developing Leadership Talent In Family Businesses: Embracing Risk Or Playing It Safe, Stephen P. Miller
Developing New Knowledge from Health-Care Industry Quality Practices to Identify and Report Patient Incidents, Anna H. Gibson
Developmental Factors Influencing Effective Leaders: A Lifestory View of Executive Leadership Development, Jennifer A. Nash
Disconnected: A Study of Mobile Telephone Rejection, Nina Aversano
Discovery: An Incremental Revolution, Rebecca Minnillo
Distributed Sensemaking in Loosely Coupled Organizations, Sridhar Belavadi Seshadar
Does An IT Organization Transform Its Identity When Engaged in Outsourcing?, Carol McGuire
Do FIEs Adopt Pro-Environmental Strategies in Developing Countries?, David D. Klossner
Do Filtering, Dialogue and Networking Improve Learning in Equivocal and Information Rich Contexts? - a Study of Sense-Making in Policy Making Contexts, Adrian Wolfberg
Driving Reform and Innovation Diffusion in Government: It Takes Guerilla Tactics to Slay a Gorilla, George K. Makiya
"Educate Only the Bright Ones" Education and Social Capital in Jamaica, 1950-2000, Beverley J. Morgan
Effective Selling Skills in Life Insurance Sales: The Implication on Sales Performance, Recruiting, and Retention of Producers, Benjamin K. Ofili
Effects of Changes in Temperature on Mechanical Behavior of Bulk Metallic Glasses and BMG Composites, Jessica A. Booth, S. Mohsen Seifi, and John J. Lewandowski
Embedding in Organizations: Individuals' Perspective of the Effects of Internal Versus External Focus on Team Adaptability and Potency, Heather Grooms
Emergence and Growth of the Medical Device Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Minnesota, Brian Abraham
Emerging Patterns In 21st Century Leadership: An Exploration Of Generational Normative Collisions, Donna L. Haeger
Emotional Contagion by Branch Managers on Performance in a Financial Sales Setting: The Positive Deviant 'Infectious' Branch Manager, Raymond Massa
Emotional Intelligence Competencies in Physician Leaders: An Exploratory Study, Michael J. Deegan
Emotional Intelligence, Shared Vision, and Teamwork Performance: A Qualitative Study, Ed Mahon
Employee Volunteerism: Social Benefits Trump Altruism, Donna E. Teeague
Empowering the 99%...One ESOP at a Time! A Qualitative Study of Employee-Owned Company Acquisitions, Suzanne Cromlish
Enabling Trust and Performance in Distributed Collaborative Teams, Eugene A. Pierce
Encouraging Entrepreneurial Intentions: The Role of University/College Environments and Experiences, Rosemary Kamau-Maina
End-of-Life Decision-Making Through Advanced Directives and Pallative Care, Beth Lada Morse
Energy Access for the "Powerless": The Role of Relational Connectivity between Entrepreneurs and Private Capital Investors, Michael E. deSa
Energy Development in Africa and the Performance of Renewable Energy Projects, Yohannes Haile
Engagement Factors in Community College Faculty as Mediated Through Shared Vision in U.S. Community Colleges, Manoj Babu
Enhanced Business Reporting: A Reemergence of 19th Century GAAP Policies, Chester H. Brearey
Enhancing Firm Profitability by Improving Director Dynamics, Solange Charas
Enron and Sarbanes-Oxley as Engines of Cultural Change In a Theory of Movement, Teresa Schmid
Enterprise Information Systems and Organizational Agility: ERP as a Dynamic Source of Change, Complexity, and Risk, Amol Kharabe
Entrepreneurial Illegality: Empirical Examination of the Effects of Bribery and Tax Evasion on Firm Performance, Nnaoke Ufere
Entrepreneurial Innovation as a Learning System, Robert M. Gemmell
Entrepreneurial Social Sector Organizations: Factors that Facilitate Growth and Performance, David A. Sherman
Entrepreneurial Success: Interplay Between Systemic And Individual Factors Via Networking Activities, Moraima De Hoyos-Ruperto
Entrepreneurs and their Companies in a Post-Entrepreneurial World, Larry Griffith
Environmental and Organizational Influences on Corporate Responses to Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, Richard R. Clune
Environmentally Benign Technologies and Financial Performance: Evidence From the Pulp and Paper Industry in Nigeria, Joseph Akinkugbe Adelegan
ESOP Accounts, Age, and Seniority: Effect on Work Related Behavior at Four Small Companies, Raymond A. Lancaster
Ethical Ideologies and Decision Making Among College Athletes, Mary-Beth A. Cooper
Everywhere Execept on Top: Women Executives in the Nonprofit Sector, Jane A. Van Buren
Executive Style Not Gender: Moving Toward a Clearer View of the Consequences of Executive Transition in the Nonprofit Sector, Jane A. Van Buren
Exploring Constructive Career Transition: The Roles of Dispositional Optimism, Cognitive Behavioral Hope, Emotion Regulation and Social Resources, Kathryn V. Kaminsky
Exploring Office Space Synergy -- Under the Radar, Stephen Brand
Factors Influencing Collaboration of Western Business Practitioners and NGOs Who Assist Small to Medium Sized Enterprises in Developing Countries: A Qualitative Analysis, William J. Oliver
Factors Influencing Radical and Incremental Innovation and Firm Performance in Consumer Electronics and Information Technology Industries, Shengfa Johnson Chuang
Factors Influencing the Case Selection of IRS Special Agents, Robert A. Warren
Factors that Facilitate Intention to Venture Creation among Nascent Entrepreneurs - Kenyan Case, Daniel Musungu Oruoch
Feeling Comfortable With Pluralistic Diversity: Using Common Organizational Strategies to Get Uncommon Results in Higher Education Voluntary Service Organizations, Ruth Sessler Bernstein
Food Deserts: What Are the Decisions to Achieving a Healthy Life and Well-being in Low Income – Low Access Neighborhoods?, Roxanne Jimenez
For Small To Medium Sized Enterprises Entrepreneurial Orientation Is Not A Necessary Attribute For Success, Donald Chambers
Framing Social Change Management: A Conflict Resolution Praxis with an Economic Correlate, Maurice Apprey
Free at Last?, Adekunle Solaru
From Conversation to Learning to Performance: Understanding Great Strategic Conversations, Ann Kowal Smith
From Esteem to Stigma: The Effect of the Financial Crisis on Banker Engagement, Glen Weaver
From Learned to Learning: Why Addiction to Learning is Vital to Renewing Competitive Advantage, Radhashyam Giridharadas
Generative Characteristics as Antecedents of Engagement, Thomas H. Carlson
Globalized Medicine: Panacea or Bitter Pill?, Dinesh Shah
Growth, Adaptation and Success in Mid-Career Leaders Experiencing Disruptive Midelife Transitions: An Exploration of Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Hope and Resilience, Kathryn V. Kamisnky
Habitus Wars and Field(s) of Dreams: Using Bourdieu To Reframe the Sense of a Crisis, Louann Hofheins Cummings
Happenings at the Local Volunteer Fire Station: Analyzing the Role Community Service Organizations Can Play in Transforming High Risk Youth, Daniel A. Cohen
Harnessing Opposing Forces to Achieve Organizational Ambidexterity, Radhashyam Giridharadas
Health Alert: Underreported Medical Errors, Anna H. Gibson
High Tech Entrepreneurial Activity: What Really Matters?, Randall I. Bambrough
How Do Defense Companies Understand and Measure Human Capital, Alexander Eksir
How Does Emotional Intelligence and Shared Vision Affect Teamwork Performance?, Ed Mahon
How Does Emotional Intelligence and Shared Vision Affect Teamwork Performance?, Ed Mahon
How Do Leaders' Values Influence Employees' Commitment to Their Organizations? A Qualitative Study, Barbara Clemenson
How Do Project Post-Mortems Contribute to Organizational Learning?, Tarina Pettiway
How Do Stakeholder Pressures Drive Proactive Environmental Strategies? External Institutional Forces and Legitimacy, David Graham Hyatt
How Do They Do It? Legislators as Leaders: A Quantitative Study of the Influencers of Legistators' Decision-Making, Alison J. Battaglia
How Do They Do It? Legislators As Leaders: A Study of Legislators' Values and Decision-Making, Alison J. Battaglia
How Family Firm Members Understand Success and Its Influence on the Family Firm, John E. Neff
How Hackers Think: Understanding the Mental Models and Cognitive Patterns of High-Tech Wizards, Timothy C. Summers
How Many Minds Does a Team Have? Contextual Ambidexterity and Goal Harmony in Healthcare, Sridhar Belavadi Seshadri
How Nonprofit Organizations Develop and Leverage Social Capital, Nancy K. King
How Organizational Identity Influences Information Technology (IT) Success, Stephan P. Miller
How U.S. Executive Expatriates Work in Environments of Pervasive Corruption, Carl H. Greppin
Immigrants Transnational Activities for Home Community Development: The Nigerian Immigrants in the United States of America, James B. Ogundule
Impact of Microfinance on Socioeconomic Status of the Poor: The Case of Malawi, William J. Oliver
Impact On Society Versus Impact On Knowledge: Scholarly Production And Sharing In Latin American Studies, Milagros Pereyra-Rojas
Implementing School Wide Service Learning in a Middle School: An Exploratory Study of the Teacher's Motivation, Patricia J. Mintz
In Area 10 Overload: The Great Vacation-Less Class: Cooperation and Coping Strategies of Women Entrepreneurs, Barbara K. Mistick
Incentives for Pragmatic Collaborations: Factors for a Win-Win-Win Scenario for Managers, Firms and the Automotive Product Development Industry, Surendra S. Khambete
INGOS & NGOS: Work and Workarounds in Rwanda, Cheryl A. Baldwin
In Search of Bold and Wise Decision Making in Associations, Mark Engle
Institutional Compliance vs. Client Loyalty in the Consideration of Ambiguous Issues: The Social Construction of Tax Advice, David E. Jones
Institutional Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Scientist-Physician Partnerships in Biomedical Research, Yunmei Wang
Institutionalism and Transformational Leadership: Exploring Linkages Between the Two Perspectives, Margaret L. Drugovich
Inter-cultural Service Encounters: the Mechanism Underlying the Effect of Cultural Distance on Customer Service Satisfaction, C. Fritz Reichert
Internal Controls for Reputational Threats: Organizational Governance Intelligence, Jesus Rodolfo Jimenez-Andrade
Internet Adoption in the Public Sector, Demo Solaru
Inter-Sector Decision Making: Governance, Social Learning, Negotiated Order and Emergent Leadership as Adaptive Responses to System Complexity, Bruce C. Gockerman
Intrapreneurship in Nonprofit Organizations: Examining the Factors that Facilitate Entrepreneurial Behavior among Employees, Michael G. Stull
Investigating Factors That Influence Trial Court Judges' Adoption of Technology, James L. Hill
Investment Consumer Satisfaction: Discovering Lasting Loyalty in Financial Advisory Relationships, Betty A. Moon
Investment Consumer Satisfaction: Identifying Factors of Influence in Financial Advisory Relationships, Betty Moon
Investor Views of Financial Reporting: Recent Evidence of the Expectation Gap, Chester H. Brearey
Is "Culture Clash" in a Merger or Acquisition Well Modeled as a Managerial Prisoner's Dilemma?, Todd Creasey
Is Earnings Guidance a Treacherous Servant?, Thomas A. King
Isolating Institution Based Personal and Contextual Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intentions Among Kenyan College Graduates, Rosemary Kamau-Maina
Is Romania Ready To Face the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak? The Role of Incoming Travelers and that of Romanian Diaspora, Iulian Gherghel
"I Think We Never Looked At A Financial Analysis" : Making Sense of Resource Allocation Decisions in Technical Innovation in the Durable Consumer Goods Industry, Martin Zummersch
IT Leader Knowledge: Dimensions, Measurement and Outcomes, Jess Shoop
IT Professionals: Understanding What Impacts Their Desire To Engage In Work, Linda M. Pittenger
Jan'l passe li passe: The Haitian Organization in the American Landscape, Nesly Metayer
Key Considerations for Developing Electronic Medical Records Systems: Quantitative Research Study, Edward W. Wright
Lack of Data Never Prevented Us From Making Decisions: An Anatomy of Resource-Allocation Decisions in the Durable Consumer Goods Industry, Martin Zummersch
Language of Change: Dynamics of Push-Pull Communication, Humayun Rashid
Language of Innovation: Alignment of Boundary Objects, Humayun Rashid
Large Fries, Two Apples Pies: Rotational Leadership - An Ethnographic Investigation into the Assimilation of Corporate Values, A. Damos Solaru
Leader and Employee Influence on the Development of Organizational Climate in the Long-Term Care Sector, Alice A. Obermiller
Leadership in the Context of a Corporate Restructuring, Howard S. Steinberg
Leading in Combat: The Role of Situation Awareness and Perceived Control During In Extremis Situations, Deirdre Dixon
Leading Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in a Difficult Period: What Differentiates Success From Failure, Emmanuel Quansah
Learning Style Influence on Relationship Sales Success, Betty A. Moon
Learning Together: Volunteer/Practitioner Interactions In Effective Communities of Fundraising Practice, Donald Zeilstra
Lessons from the Cellblock: A Study of Prison Inmate Participants in an Alternatives to Violence Program, Stanton D. Sloane
Lessons in Ethical Capital Asset Management: The Challenges of a Local School Board, Susan McTiernan
Leveraging Social Capital as Public Policy Resource in Pennsylvania School Districts, Suzanne K. Moore
"Like Visions in my Head: Understanding the Formulation of Student Perceptions of the Value of the Liberal Arts Experience, and the Impact of this Process on College Choice, Margaret L. Drugovich
Local and International Entrepreneurial Relationship Experiences of Black Business Leaders, Shola Ajiboye
Looking Beyond Culture: Building Successful Multiparty Collaboration, James R. Hemsath
Looking Beyond the Bottom Line: Connecting the Dots Between Business Enterprise Sustainability Initiatives and Growth in Financial Value, Matthew H. Levin
Low Entrepreneurship Activities Among the African-Americans Who Live in the Cleveland Inner City, Daniel Musungu Oruoch
Making Hard Power Soft: Chinese Foreign Direct Investment and Public Opinion in Chile, Shicheng (Jessica) Shao
Making Markowitz Proud: How High-Performing University Endowments Achieve Portfolio Diversification, Mimi Lord
Making Sense of Surprise Outcomes: Implications for Managing the Unexpected, Ronald W. Eastburn
Making Sense When It Matters Most: Leadership In Extremis, Deirdre Dixon
Managerial And Organizational Factors That Influence A Firm's Safety And Environmental Performance: An Examination Of The Fortune 500 Companies, David Klossner
Managers in the Middle: A Study of Long Term Care Regional Managers Dealing with Organizational Stress, Jeffrey W. Ferguson
Managing (Detecting, Preventing, and Mitigating) the Unexpected: How Banks Managed the Financal Meltdown, Ronald W. Eastburn
Managing Individual and Organizational Performance: The Critical Mediating Role of Collaboration, Oliver L.G Bouclier
Managing Perplexing Congregations: The Case of Chinese Protestant Church in North America, Siu-hang P. Chan
Managing the Cost of Services for People With Disabilities: An International Approach. Part I: Poland, Dana Pugh and Jaroslaw Richard Romaniuk
Managing the Mission Through Times of Adversity: What Leads To Highly Reliable Performance?, Kathleen Roche
Managing the Mission Through Times of Adversity: What Leads To Reliable Nonprofit Performance?, Kathleen Roche
Managing the Transition from Staff Nurse to Nurse Manager--Change in Clinical Nurse Identity, Pamela C. Hudson
Manufacturing Organizations During Sub-Acute Crises: An Examination of Critical Interactions in Five Sub-Acute Crisis Cases, William A. Brake
Maximizing Large Organization Performance by Uncovering Engaged Employees, Michael W. Bowling
Measuring Human Capital in High-tech Defense Companies, Alexander Eksir
Mis-Institutionalization: Accounting Information Systems (AIS) and Decision Making in Higher Education, Cory Allen Campbell
Mitigating A Conflict Paradox: The Struggle Between Tenure And Charisma In Venture Backed Teams, Marty Abbott
Models of Management in Rwandan INGOs: The Decoupling of Formal and Informal Management Practices, Cheryl A. Baldwin
Money and Theology -- It's Not an Oxymoron, Valerie Kay Brown
More Than Directing Money: Theories in Use for Helping Distressed Communities as Practiced by Independent Foundations, Sally Austen Tom
Motion Without Movement: The Struggle for Workforce Outcomes That Matter, Adekunle O. Solaru
Motivating the African American Patient: What Can Healthcare Leaders Learn About Motivating Type 2 Diabetic Patients to Adhere to Their Treatment Plan?, Yolonda Freeman-Hildreth
National Standards and Role Advancement in U.S. Community Foundations, Michael Wolfe
Nested Identities: A Concept For Improving Banker Engagement, Glen Weaver
Newtown Stationary: Getting Communities Back Into the Economic Development Game, Charles T. Moses
Nigerian Immigrants Utilizing Ethnic Affiliation to Create and Transfer Social and Economic Capital to Develop Their Home Communities, James B. Ogundele
Non-Financial Indicators of Family Firm Performance: A Portfolio Model Approach, John E. Neff
Nonprofit CEO Sustainability: Maintaining Personal Wellbeing and Effective Organizational Leadership Over the Long Haul, Jeffrey D. Frey
Nonprofit Performance During the Great Recession: Damned If You Do and Damned If You Don't - Mission-Defensive Paradox, Kathleen Roche
On Becoming Analytic: The Effect of Data Interactions on Decision Making, Brian G. Williams
Ordinary Canadians: Identity of Time and Place, Jim Higginson
Organizational Renewal: Using Appreciative Inquiry to Build Network Capital, Thomas H. Carlson
Ostensive and Performative Routines and Strategies for Institutional Adaptation and Innovation, Jaime Chua
Out Of Control: The Impact Of Unaddressed Affective Conflict On SME Board Stability, Solange Charas
Out of the Mouths of Leaders...A Comparative Study of Nonprofit and For-Profit Leadership Approaches as Manifested in Annual Management Letters, Susan McTiernan Gillen
Outsider To Insider: Contrasting Routes and Transition Experiences of New Nonprofit Leaders, Anotinette E. La Belle
Overcoming Barriers In Affordable Housing Cross-Sector Collaborations, Jennifer R. Madden
Painting the Canvas of Silence: Vision Enriched Through Voice, Karie Willyerd
Parental Choice of Elementary Schools Within the Cleveland Catholic Diocese and Its Implications for the Financial Policies of Diocesan Schools, Thomas Edward Garvey
Parish Vibrancy, Terry Brizz
Parish Vibrancy: A Reflection of Pastoral Leadership on Parishioner Support and Parishioner Satisfaction, Terrence J. Brizz
Patient-Driven vs. Evidence-Centric Decision Models in the Treatment of Hemophilia, Christopher C. Lamb
Paying Online: The Effect of Consumer Attitudes on E-Government, Ademola O. Solaru
Peer Influence on Moral Choice Among College Student Athletes, Mary-Beth A. Cooper
Performance and Commitment of Practitioner/Volunteer Leader Partnerships, Donald Zeilstra
Philanthropy Ventures with Social Entrepreneurs: An Ethnographic Inquiry into Progressive Grantee-Grantor Collaborations, Kwardua Vanderpuye
Physician Inter-Personal & Communication Competencies as Measured by Patient, Peer & Self Surveys: Predicting Patient Satisfaction Results from Peer Ratings, Michael J. Deegan
Playing To Win: Dynamics of Teams That Innovate, Suzanne Piotrowski
Post-Decision Surprise: How Bankers Manage the Unexpected, Ronald W. Eastburn
Practicing Pragmatic Collaboration: The Challenge of Recognizing and Managing Rational Divergence, Surendra S. Khambete
Predictors of Management Effectiveness: Intelligence, Personality or Emotional and Social Intelligence?, Raymond Massa
Preferable Leadership Outcomes in Adolescent Boys: The Role of Authoritative Parenting, Teaching & Guidance Strategies, and Psychological Autonomy, Franklin T. Kudo
Pricing Orientation in Industrial Markets: The Organizational Transformation To Value-Based Pricing, Stephan M. Liozu
Privatization, Liberalization, and Regulatory Reform: The Case of Telecommunications, Amit K. Maitra
Promises To Keep: Exploring Organizational Trust Repair From A Stakeholder Perspective, Rachel Y. Daniel
Promises to Keep: Exploring the Impact of Procedural Equity on the Restoration of Trust in Stakeholder-Firm Relationships, Rachel Y. Daniel
Pruning The Garden of Successors: Daughters, Sons, and Succession in Family Businesses, Kathyann Kessler Overbeke
Putting Socks on an Octopus: A Qualitative Understanding of the Transformation to Customer Relationship Management, Patricia A. Sahm
Realizing Breakthrough Radical Innovations In CE/IT Industries, Shengfa Johnson Chuang
Reciprocal Learning: An application to Achieve Better Home Care Effectiveness, Margo Kraft
Reconceptualizing Social Influence Mechanisms For Buyer-Seller Relationships, Stuart Strolin
Regarding Historic Preservation: Historic Neighborhood Preservation Associations and Success, Brian W. Kenny
Relational Governance: An Evolving Model Responding to Evolving Needs!, Joseph Mandato
Reluctant Gatekeepers: Influencing Factors In A Small Business Owner's Decision To Not Sponsor A Retirement Plan For Employees, Jill McCullough
Remote Worker Characteristics: The Positive Relationship of Intrinsic Motivation in Remote Worker Productivity, Josefina Martinez-Amador
Reporting Medical Error: A Behavioral Perspective, Anna H. Gibson
"Retained Equity": Understanding the Impact of Self Service Technology on Brand Trust Within the Context of Financial Aid Administration, Matthew J. Gymer
"Retained Equity": Understanding the Impact of Self Service Technology on Brand Trust Within the Context of Financial Aid Administration, Matthew J. Gymer
Rethinking the Differential in Precautionary Savings Between Blacks and Whites, Benjamin K. Ofili
Retirement Values: What Explains Career Transition and Well-Being, Gregg Lunceford
Returning to Stay?: Young Adult Commitment in Chinese Protestant Churches in the United States, Cecilia C. Chan
Risk Management Effectiveness (RME): How does a British Multi-national Company go about achieving RME in its US Subsidiary?, Richard R. Clune
Risks & Rewards: Understanding Management Influences On Employee Engagement & Well-Being During Management Transitions, Dale E. Hartz
Risk Transference and Risk Perception Analysis of Serial Entrepreneurs and Venture Capitalists, Francis A. Papay
Riverine Plastic Pollution in Asia: Results from a Bibliometric Assessment, Peter Yang
Roadmap for the Survival of Nascent Social Entrepreneurial Ventures, Aparna Katre
Role Engagement in Co-operative Organizations: A Relational Framework for Understanding Board Commitment, Brian L. Newton
Role Innovation and Self Identity Change in Staff Nurse to Nurse Leader Transition, Pamela C. Hudson
Sales Opportunity Crafting: Explaining Diverse Selling Approaches, Ganesh Kumar
Sales Opportunity Crafting: Explaining How Salespeople Craft Value Propositions in Business-to-Business Selling, Ganesh Kumar
Sales Sense: Improving Communication Through a Network of Frames, Stuart R. Strolin
School Leadership, Collective Mindfulness and Mathematices Achievement in Kenya, Renson Muchiri Mwangi
See Jane and Samantha Lead: An Ethnography of a Chair/Chief Executive Pair in a Nonprofit Organization, J. Bart Morrison
Senior Leaders Create It: A Supportive Environment, The Missing Link to Effective Leadership Development, Dartanian Warr
Sensemaking and Meaning-Arbitrage in Loosely-Coupled Healthcare Organizations, Sridhar Belavadi Seshadri
Sensemaking in a Hospital Strategic Planning Process, George Lehman
Senseshaping: The Dynamics of Sensemaking and Sensegiving in High Velocity Product Innovation, Varun Nagaraj
Service Feature Considerations For Developing Consumer Satisfaction in Online Environments, Matthew J. Gymer
Shaping Problems, Not Decisions: When Decision Makers Leverage Visual Analytics, Brian G. Williams
Shift Happens: Understanding Commitment Shifts in Mergers and Acquisitions, Byron C. Clayton
Significant Life Transitions and Changing Lives: An Investigation into the Internationally Mobile Professional, Victoria Woo
Silence Please: The Case for Cell Phone Rejection, Nina Aversano
Situational Factors Influencing Sustained Volunteer Commitment in Professional Associations, Michael G. Niederpruem
Social Capital, Organizational Legitimacy, and Transformational Leadership: Implications for Nonprofit Fundraising and Board Relations, Nancy Koury King
Social Change - Making the Improbable Possible Through Collaboration: A Framework for Examining the Influence of Funders on Collaboration Performance, Jane Cooke-Lauder
Social Change - Making the Improbable Possible Through Collaboration: Barriers and Enablers to NGOs Working Together in South Africa to Tackle HIV/AIDS, Jane Cooke-Lauder
Social Change - Making the Improbable Possible Through Collaboration. The Effectiveness of NGO Collaboration Arrangements in South Africa Tackling HIV/Aids, Jane Cooke-Lauder
Social Entrepreneurial Venture Performance: The Impact Of Behaviors And Organizing Activities, Aparna Katre
Social Entrepreneurship: Pattern-Changing Entrepreneurs and the Scaling of Social Impact, David A. Sherman
Social Entrepreneurship: Scaling Social Impact, David A. Sherman
Social Network Destruction and Effective Practices for the Recovery of Social Capital Assets, R. Drew Sellers
Social Networks and Information Technology, James L. Hill
Social Responsibility, Views From Small and Medium US Private Business CEO/Owners, Joseph C. Thornton
Sources of Social Capital in Community Engagement Efforts, Suzanne K. Moore
Sources of Social Capital in Community Engagement Efforts: Qualitative Study of Public School Boards, Suzanne K. Moore
Speech-Language Pathology in China: An Overview, Guanyu Wei
Sponsorship By Executive Leaders: Perceptions and Influences on Engagement Among U.S. Air Force General Officers, Kevin Roots
Sports Leaders, Sensemaking, and Self-Preservation: Uncovering the Real Crisis in Sport, Daryl L. Jones
Stakeholder Influence Strategies: Mobilizing for Collaboration, David Graham Hyatt
Stakeholder Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Nonprofit Organizations, Susan McTiernan
Startup/Seed Stage Investment by Venture Capital Funds (in Israel): Entrepreneurs in Residency and Executive in Residency Programs, Jimmy Schwarzkopf
Stimulating Youth Entrepreneurship in Kenya, Rosemary Kamau-Maina
Straight From The Horses Mouth: An Experiential Learning Approach To Management Development Through Metaphor, Karen L. Stock
Straight to the Heart: Cleveland Leaders Shaping the Next Millennium, Shawana P. Johnson
Strangers in the Commons: Collective Action in Aging Policy, R. Robertson Hilton
Strategic Anticipation: Toward an Understanding of How Managers Anticipate Strategic Moves, Gabriel Berczely
Strategic Thinking For R&D Amidst Global Economic Change: Retain and Invest, Outsource....or Reinvent?, Beth Fitz Gibbon
Strategizing Routines on the Cusp of Multiple and Competing Institutional Logics of Foreign Aid, Jaime Chua
Strategy as Interaction:The Dynamics between Strategy Execution Effectiveness and Organizational Interactions during Strategy Implementation, Stanley Omeike
Stretching Role Breadth: The Affect of Overachieving IT Managers in Underperforming IT Organizations, Linda M. Pittenger
Student Misreading: Obstacle or Opportunity?, Brita M. Thielen
Study of Direct Internet Selling by Airlines in the U.S. Air Travel Distribution Industry, Sowmyan Raman
Subtle Effects - Significant Consequences: A Field Study of Mutual Fund Selection Behavior, Gary A. Walker
Subtle Effects - Significant Consequences: An Examination of Presentation and Framing Effect Conseqences on Mutual Fund Selection Behavior, Gary A. Walker
Successful Alignment Of MBA Curriculum: A Product Of Attentional Change, Laurie A. Branch
Success Towards Sustainable Development in Lagging US Cities? A Grounded Study, Larry Clay Jr.
Surgeon Acceptance of Computer Assisted Surgery, Jonathan B. Brewster
Survey on the Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene, Larimee Cortnik
Sustaining Non-profit Collaboration: The Relationship between Governance and Leadership, Nonie Brennan
Systems-Savvy Selling: A Grounded Theory Approach to Understanding What Motivates Contemporary Industrial Salespeople, Donald P. St. Clair
Tapping the Power of Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS): What Influence Can Informal Interactions Have on CAS and the Resultant Innovation-Change Process?, Shabazz A. Rah-Khem
Teacher Acculturation: From Platform Theatre to Improvised Theatre and Learning Dynamic Choreography, Manoj Nakra
Team Health: What Are Technical Project Teams Saying Or Not Saying?, Judith Sanders
Teams Building A Shared Reality to Create Project Success, Susan Johnson
Technology and Process Enabling Trust and Performance in Distributed Collaborative Teams, Eugene A. Pierce
Technology Collaboration Between Competitive Firms in the Upstream Oil Industry: The Effect of Operational Control on Collaborative Behavior, Arun K. Sharma
Technology Rejection of Mobile Telephones, Nina Aversano
Temporal Tribes: The Origin and Resolution of Tenure Based Affective Conflict in Venture Backed Top Management Teams, Mary Abbott
Ten Thin Slices: A Study of Customer Satisfaction in Retail Business Transactions Wherein Service Providers and Customers Have Different Primary Languages, C. Fritz Reichert
The Affect of Organizational and Individual Learning From Disruptive Market Events on Financial Advisor Behavior, Philipp A. Hensler
The Antecedents of Social Contagion on Social Networking Platforms, Michael Fisher
The Complexity in the Discrepancy: A Holistic View of the Electricity Supply and Demand Discrepancy in Nigeria, Olufunso O. Olulafe
The Connected Celebrity and Nonprofit Advertising, Robert T. Wheeler
The Contribution and Status of Women Inside Directors in Fortune 1000 Companies, Deborah Dahlen Zelechowski
The Dearth of Entrepreneurship among African Americans in Cleveland Inner City, Daniel M. Oruoch
The Duplicity Effect: Professional Investment Decisions For Others Versus Self, Timothy Joseph Timura
The Effect of Leader Attitude on Traditional Vs. Social Entrepreneurial Nonprofit Business Models, J. Martin Ireta
The Effect of Operational Control and Experience on Joint Venture Performance, Arun K. Sharma
The Effect of Personality and Trust on Virtual Team Effectiveness, Eugene A. Pierce
The Effect of Term Limits and Professionalization on State Legislative Performance, Susan B. Waters
The Effect of Term Limits on State Legislative Effectiveness, Susan B. Waters
The Effects of Emotional Intelligence and Relational Climate of Innovation, Lori D. Kendall
The Effects of Potential and Realized Knowledge Sharing in Bioscience Clusters, Francisco Montalvo
The Effects of Strategic Outsourcing Management On Absorptive Capacity: A Practioner-Scholar Perspective, Beth Fitz Gibbon
The Equilibrium Of Collective Wrongness Or The Effect Of Mindfulness On Advisor Performance After Market Dislocations, Philipp Hensler
The Foul, Or What's Up (Wassup) on the Court?: A Study of African-American Male Social Interactions on the Outdoor Basketball Court, Craig E. Soaries
The 'Free Purposing' Organization: Beyond Empowerment...Towards 'Engaged Commitment', Hani N. Boulos
The Global Financial Meltdown: Is It a Recipe for Disaster To Employee Engagement?, Glen Weaver
The Happy Memories Of North Korean Defectors: Discovering Personal Narratives Of Hidden Happiness Through Disintegrative Inquiry, Eric P. Foley
The Impact of Change Messages on the Commitment to a Change: An Analysis of IT Professionals in India and Malaysia, Humayun Rashid
The Impact of Charisma in Employee Volunteer Programs: Do Employees Motivate Their Coworkers?, Don E. Teague
The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Work Team Cohesiveness and Performance, Brigette Ann Rapisarda
The Impact of Organization Destruction on Social Capital Value, R. Drew Sellers
The Impact of Product Stigma on Consumer Behavior: The Effects of Self Concept and Attitudes, Al Darwan
The Impact of Symbiotic Visions: Increasing Engagement and Motivation Through Vision Alignment, Jodi Berg
The Impact of the Internet on Airline Fares: How the Customer Viewed the Transition to Internet Distribution, William J. Brunger
The Impact of the Internet on Airline Fares: Part II: Understanding the "Internet Price Effect", William G. Brunger
The Influence of Team Health on Business Outcomes, Alexander Eksir
The Institutional-Professoriate Tension: Scholarship Identity and Academic Alignment that Impact Scholars' Productivity and Well-being, Milagros Pereyra-Rojas
The Liminal Workplace, Michael O'Hare
The Mechanisms and Effects of Boundary Spanning for Enterprise-Class System Development Project Success, Alan G.D. Fisk
The Mediating Role Of Vision And Compassion In Physician Leadership, Joann Farrell Quinn
The Mental Universe of Success, Radhashyam Giridharadas
The Moderating Effects of Incentives and Informal Contracts on Post-Merger Executive Turnover and Engagement, David P. Grogan
The NGO Strategic Dilemma: An Examination of Factors Enabling or Constraining Corporate Engagement Strategy, David Graham Hyatt
The Nonprofit Board of Trustees: Maximizing Its Effectiveness in a Brave New World, Joe Mandato
The Nonprofit Sector: Where Women Go To Work, Jane Van Buren
The Nursing Debut: The Work Entry Transition, Lori Brohm
The Organizational Design For Pricing And Its Consequences On Relative Firm Performance, Stephan M. Liozu
The Paradox of Evidenced-Based Management in Higher Education, Alice J. Walker
The Payoffs Of Championing 'Tough Issues' in the Executive Suite; Why Corporations Need to Nurture Quixotic Champions, Nancy E. McInerney-Lacombe
The "People" In Science: Identifying Lived Experiences Of Physician Scientists In Academic Medical Centers, Philip A. Cola
The Power Of Systemic Fraud: Implications For The Fraud Triangle From The Professional Investing Community, Joseph Wall
The Practices of a Non-Diversity-Focused Organization and Their Impact on Its Members' Intercultural Behavioral Comfort, Learning, and Competence, Ruth Sessler Bernstein
The Private Provision of Public Goods: Terrorism Protection in the Critical Infrastructure Industries, James K. Hayes
The Private Sector and the Questionable Role of Social Responsibility in Securing the Nation's Infrastructure, James K. Hayes
The Pursuit of Clinical Quality and Patient Safety: Challenges Presented by Bureaucratic Structures, Organizational Complexity and Professional Ethos, Michael J. Deegan
The Quest For Sustainable Leadership: The Importance of Connecting Leadership Principles to Concepts of Organizational Sustainability, Eric S. Harter
The Relation Between Management's Perception of Causal Ambiguity in Firm Competencies and Firm Performance: An Empirical Examination in Chile, Richard I. Araya
The Relationship Between Reproducing Ownership and Sustaining Non-Profit Collaboration, Nonie Brennan
The Road to 60 Years and Beyond: How the Emotions of a Leader Drive Sustainable Brand Growth, Roy Gifford
The Role of Cognitive Biases and Framing in Strategic Decision-Making Processes Regarding Socially Responsible Actions, Jonathan Coleman
The Role of Local Cluster Agents As Key Determinants In Knowledge Creation, Absorption and Retention In Regional Biotechnology Industrial Clusters, Francisco Montalvo
The Role of Residual Income Management Systems (EVA) in Shaping the Outcome of Businesses in Cyclic Markets – Part 2 Quantitative Research, Gregory F. Milzcik
The Role of School Leadership in Student Achievement in Kenya, Renson Muchiri Mwangi
The Role of Supervisor Support, Mentorship and Autonomy in Developing the Next Generation of Leaders, Candace Steele Flippin
The Role of Trust Between Project Managers and Project Sponsors in Information Technology Projects, Patricia A. Sahm
The Role Social Capital Plays in Building Effective Nonprofit Boards, Susan Williams
The Rx for Electronic health Care Records: Time, Not Incentives, Edward W. Wright
The Rx For Electronic Medical Records: A Research Proposal, Edward W. Wright
The "Shop" Around the Corner: How Do Leadership Attitudes Effect An Organization? An Ethnographic Study, Barbara Clemenson
The Social Construction of the Interactive Practices of Multicultural Professionals, Alvin E. Hall
The Social Construction of Workforce Development Organizations in Singapore and Penang, Malaysia, Daniel E. Berry
The Socio-Cognitive Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Ideation, Robert M. Gemmell
The Strategic Decision-Making Process of the Board and Its Impact On Decision Outcomes, Mark T. Engle
The Strategic Decision-Making Process of the Board and its Impact on Decision Outcomes, Mark T. Engle
The Strength of 'Dispersed' Ties: An Examination in Persistence of Social Capital Following Organizational Disbanding, R. Drew Sellers
The Strength of Strong Ties: The Role of Integrity in Efficiency, Gregory Milzcik
The Symphony Orchestra: The Role of Cohesive Commitment in the Pursuit of Persistent Presence, Marguerite Burton Humphrey
The Transformational Influence of Narrative Enrichment, Maxine L. Lynch
The 'Where' and 'How' of Exploration and Exploitation: Balancing Leadership Styles To Drive Innovation and Performance, Ann Kowal Smith
They're Making All The Wrong Decisions - Unintended Consequences of Empowerment Resulting From Individual Situated Cognition, Jonathan Coleman
Toeing, Blurring or Crossing The Line? How Highly Regulated Organizations View Compliance and Innovation, Marilyn A. Hosea
Top Salespeople Don't Sell: Managing Frame Incongruence Through Network Partitioning, Stuart R. Strolin
Toward an Interpretive Evaluation of Electricity Markets: Comparing Western U.S. and Northern Europe - Whether Common Knowledge of Rationality Results in Correlated Equilibrium, Eric Charles Woychik
Toward An Understanding of Entrepreneurship Environment: The Case of Puerto Rico, Moraima De Hoyos-Ruperto
Toward a Theory of Technological Change, John Rodney Franklin
Traditional And Nontraditional Dean's Multi Level Multi Dimensional Complexity Leadership, Nicholas Spezza
Training and Coping Strategies: Reducing Expectation Gaps to Improve Perception of Job Performance, Job Satisfaction and Decrease Intent to Turnover in Nursing Work, Lori A. Holtzworth-Brohm
Transformational Leadership Development in Adolescent Youth: Authoritative Parenting, and the Mediating Effect of Psychological Autonomy and Mastery Orientation, Franklin T. Kudo
Trap, Escape and Vision Integration: Key Adaptive Challenges of Leadership in Conflict, Tin Muang Than
Treatment of Trauma Using Horse Assisted Education in Poland, Kathleen J. Farkas and Jaroslaw Richard Romaniuk
Trust, Education and Development in Jamaica, 1950-2000, Beverley J. Morgan
Understanding Supply Chain Resiliency: Identification Of The Factors Contributing To Performance, David Widdifield
Understanding Systems Experience: The Centrality Of Perception In The Context Of Healthcare Quality And Cost Management, Heather Grooms
Understanding the Concept of "Inspiring Professors" in Mexico, Ivone Juárez Barco
Understanding the Decisions of Trial Court Judges to Adopt a New Statewide Case Management System, James Hill
Under the Shade of the Plane Tree: Examining Postures and Interdependent Relationships in Highly Regulated Government-Funded Programs, Marilyn A. Hosea
Unraveling Adaptive Selling: An Empirical Analysis of Underlying Relational Behaviors, Ganesh Kumar
Urban Expansion of Energiewende in Germany: A Systematic Bibliometric Analysis and Literature Study, Peter Yang
Use of Interpretive Schemes and Successful Adaptation: The Case of Chinese Protestant Immigrant Churches in North America, Siu-hang P. Chan
Vojvodina, Serbia: Cornerstone of Democratization and Multi-ethnic Collaboration, John N. Lauer
"We Can Do It!": How Clarity Interacts with Collective Efficacy in Organizational Change, Jonathan Coleman
Welcoming the Shabbes. . .Backwards, Jay Dublin
What Always-On Connected Consumers Can Teach Retailers About Marketing Relevancy and Segmentation, Donna M. Iucolano
What Are The Experiences Of Successful Minority Entrepreneurs In Building Effective Trust-Based Relationships, Robert T. Watt
What Are They Thinking About R&D? A Strategic Core Competence, Or An Operational Business Decision?, Beth Fitz Gibbon
What Factors Influence High Technology Entrepreneurial Activity on a Regional Basis: A Look at Utah and Colorado, Randall I. Bambrough
What Influences Moral Choice Among College Student Athletes, Mary-Beth A. Cooper
What's Really Going On? The Jamaican Policy Environment and Small Exporting Firms, Beverley J. Morgan
When Disobedience Delivers Success: Factors Influencing Subsidiary Top Manager's Compliance With Multinationals Head Office's Instructions, Arron M. Fraser
When Practice and Theory Conflict: Do Financial Incentives Influence Championing Behaviors in Mergers and Acquisitions?, Byron C. Clayton
When the Risk of System Use if Life or Death: A Study of the Adoption of Surgical Technology, Jonathan B. Brewster
Where Have All the Children Gone?: Young Adult Commitment in Chinese Protestant Churches In United States, Cecilia C. Chan
Where Potential Leads, Stephen S. Brand
Where Was The Board? A "Moves"-Based Approach To Improving NPO Accountability, Frederick O. Udochi
Who We Are Drives What We Do: The Interplay of Identity on Workplace Behaviors, Monika L. Hudson
Why They Stay: Career Longetivity of Women in U.S. Corporate Engineering, Kathleen R. Buse
Why They Stay: Individual Factors Predicting Career Commitment for Woman Engineers, Kathleen R. Buse
Why They Stay: The Ideal Selves of Persistent Women Engineers, Kathleen R. Buse
Winning Consumer Trust and Loyalty in Distrust-Dominated Environments: A Consumer Perspective, Rachel Y. Talton
Winning Consumer Trust and Loyalty in DIstrust-dominated Environments: A Consumer Perspective, Rachel Y. Talton
Women Directors: When Championing the "Tough Issues" at the Board, How and Why Do They Do It and Do They Do It Differently Than Men?, Nancy McInerney-Lacombe
Workforce Development in a Small Manufacturing Organization, Agustin V. Arbuluc
Working Alliances: The Impact of Reciprocal Care Giving on the Working Alliance in Home Healthcare, Margo Kraft
Work-Life Fusion: A Paradigm Shift In Understanding Work and Life Management: Scale Development, Validation, and Multigenerational Analysis, Donna L. Haeger
Workplace Volunteerism: Bridging Demand Through Employee Liasions, Don E. Teague
World Class Manufacturing Best Practices; Do they play in Peoria? An Ethnographic Study of a Locally Based Production Facility, Michael R. Lopez